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NetballStars offer a unique netball-based skills and activity session to encourage your children to have fun with exercise, enjoy being part of a team and make new friends.
Designed for children in school years 3 to 9, the NetballStars programme supports development of their agility, balance and co-ordination through games, physical exercise and skills practise, all delivered by friendly, dedicated coaches.

School Years
3 to 6


School Years
7 to 9


Netball Training and Matches

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Saturday Mornings

Kennet School, Thatcham

How much? 

School Years
4 & 5

School Years
6 & 7



Junior Netball Matches

Tuesdays 6.30pm-7.30pm

Kennet School, Thatcham

How much? 

Our Favourite NetballStar Feedback

"I'm never EVER giving up NetballStars, it's my favourite thing I do and the most fun"

We thank the mum of our year 5 NetballStar for sharing this with us

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