Assessed by
NetballStars Coach
Review date
Location of activity
Riverside Community Center/ MUGA
Name of person carrying out activity
Maria Mason/Sharon Eldred
Description of activity/premises
Covid-19 Protective Measures
By Whom
Capacity of children/Session restrictions
Coaches/Children/ Parents
Outdoor court to be split into two sections.
Each section to have up to 6 participants including coaches.
Bubbles are segregated from each other to reduce social interaction.
Bubbles will, to the best of our ability, be kept separate and not interact.
No small competitive games.
All participants to provide track and trace data.
Social distancing to be observed at all times.
Sports Equipment/Facility
Pupils should be kept in consistent groups, sports equipment thoroughly cleaned between each use by different individual groups, and contact sports avoided.
Outdoor sports should be prioritised where possible, (No sport hall use permitted) maximising distancing between pupils and paying scrupulous attention to cleaning and hygiene.
This is particularly important in a sports setting because of the way in which people breathe during exercise.
Individual sets of ‘equipment’ retained in bubbles with cleaning schedule maintained for daily cleaning after use.
All children to sanitise wash hands multiple times in session.
Sanitise equipment frequently
Toilets to be used in bubbles only and one way entrance/exit to be used. Riverside signs in place.
Sharing a ball should be minimised and sanitized regularly.
Access to and from Facility
Coaches/Children/ Parents
Everyone must on entering site wash hands or use appropriate hand sanitiser.
Only one adult permitted at drop off and pick up
No adults to remain at facility during session.
All Adults to follow one way at drop off and pick up - NetballStars to highlight
Social distancing must be observed at all times.
All participants can wear a mask if required but not essential to participate
Children/ Parents
If you have symptoms please do not attend your NetballStars session
If symptoms arise within 14 days of taking part in a session please notify your coach immediately and track and trace
If symptoms arise within 14 days of taking part in a session please acquire a Covid test
Cleaning/Cleaning Equipment
Provide cleaning table for arrival - hand sanitiser/sanitiser wipes
Coaches to clean all equipment prior to session and post session - including posts/ball/cone/pads
Netball dunk bucket for each session
No BIBS worn
Participants and coaches to clean hands on arrival to NetballStars.
Individual sets of ‘equipment’ retained in bubbles with cleaning schedule maintained for daily cleaning after use.